EU Hankkeet
Monaliiku is invoved in European Union Funded Projects.
Currently, Monaliiku is coordinating Out4In Project.
Out4In project promotes the empowerment, community integration, and environmental awareness of Refugee or Migrant women and girls. It aims to encourage equity and inclusion by reducing barriers to participation in outdoor experiences
for a target group traditionally underrepresented or excluded from this type of activity.
Mentor on the Move
In the near future, it will also be coordinating the project Mentor on the Move.
Mentor on the Move aims to make sports and physical activity more accessible to migrant women and other vulnerable groups through regular mentor-mentee meetings.
A framework will be developed to help organizations build culturally aware and inclusive programs based on European values. The aim willl be to empower those at risk of social exclusion and help them thrive!
Hooray Project
Right now, Monaliiku is partners with the Hooray Project.
The HOORAY project aims to address the decline of mental health of young people by exploring the impact and positive influence physical activity and sport can have on improving the overall well-being and mental health of young people.
Based on the EU Physical Activity Guidelines, HOORAY project team will collect good practices and develop educational resources and an online knowledge hub for physical education teachers, youth workers, coaches, parents and other personnel working with teens.