OUTdoor for INclusion: Improving resilience and integration for refugees and migrant women through outdoor experiences project
The project is coordinated by Monaliiku and it started on 1st of October and will function for 28 months untill 31.01.2026.
The main objective of the project is to promote the social inclusion of refugee and migrant women (RMW), through the experimentation of an innovative educational path based on outdoor experiences (hiking, nature tourism, territory discovery activities, etc.) and on the involvement of the local community to foster the integration of the target group in the hosting territory, with a view to a two-way exchange that has a relevant social impact on the whole community. To this end, the project will also promote the development of guidelines for local authorities aimed at planning more inclusive educational and local knowledge paths, which will help break down integration barriers that too often hinder women with a migration background.
OUT4IN proposes the development of a toolkit dedicated to adult educators (working directly with refugee/migrant women and/or in the context of outdoor activities), in order to ensure the acquisition of competencies in the staff related to an innovative and inclusive training methodology, and its experimentation in the field.
The project develops and tests an inclusive training pathway that aims to improve accessibility to outdoor activities in a target group that is generally excluded from them. OUT4IN, moreover, aims to develop in adult learners those key competencies to which they generally have limited access, such as basic digital skills and green skills, in addition to fundamental integration skills such as language and local territory knowledge.
RMWs also face significant barriers to engaging in outdoor sports and activities: unfamiliarity with programs and places
dedicated to outdoor activities, economic difficulties, logistical difficulties (transportation and child care), and stigma that
prevents different communities from accessing local green spaces. This is why this target group is not thought of as a typical
audience for outdoor activities, but could benefit immensely from the therapeutic and educational value of these experiences.
You can find the Toolkit here.
Facebook live Out4In Webinar Monaliiku: https://fb.watch/ufSloCBHwL/
Official website: Home - Out4In