Monaliiku took part in the International day against violence against women!
(EN) Last Friday, Monaliiku participated in two different events.
Three of our workers, Nidal, Foos and Yleanna, took part in The Coalition of Finnish Women's Associations - Naisjärjestöt Yhteistyössä NYTKIS ry and Valoa, ei väkivaltaa's campaign against online sexual harassment. They were giving away reflectors for 2h in Kamppi to raise awareness on this topic.
At the same time, Murdia, Yen and Tamar were in Diaconia University of Applied Sciences to participate in a well-being event. They presented Monaliiku and our services to students and they also offered body composition measures. It was a big success.
Thank you to Nytkis, Vakivalta observatorio and Diakonia-university for letting us be part of those events!